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No Discrimination Allowed!

      DiscriminationIt is a word everyone has heard at least once in their lives, but probably something people never stop to think deeply about. The word "discrimination" is so frequently used in our society these days, that it's now considered somewhat not-so-serious. However, I believe discrimination is one of the most important issues in our lives.

     Everybody would be familiar with people being called "racist" or "sexist". That's pretty much what discrimination is; it's the unjust treatment of people usually based on their gender, race or religion. For example, telling asians they have "small slit-eyes", or saying females are not as "intelligent" or "athletic" as males. These discriminative comments can usually be taken lightly as jokes. However, the serious discriminations in today's society should not be ignored or taken lightly.

     I recently read an article, "US Court  finds New York Fire Department guilty of racial discrimination". This article was about how the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) selected their employees according to their races, and was therefore found guilty of racial discrimination. Such discrimination should not be tolerated, especially since it affected people's lives directly- which in this case,  prevented other races from employment opportunities. In my opinion, irrationally discriminating people solely on their race, like the FDNY employment system, is extremely immoral.

     I personally believe that God made each and everyone of us equal. Therefore, I want to become a lawyer who passionately protects all my clients' rights by preventing any form of discrimination. I don't think there are any reasons to treat anybody differently or unjustly, just because of their sexes,physical a appearances or races. After all, I'm an asian, but my maths grades aren't so great, nor are my eyes that tiny!


  1. I agree that this world has too much discrimination. People should treat everyone equally regardless of who they are as person. The world would be a better place without discrimination.

  2. I love this article because I can relate to it so much, even if I'm not particularly interested in law! I've dealt with discrimination before, and it's not something that feels really good to hear. Just recently, I saw an argument at school about whether boys were "smarter" than girls, or if African Americans were "more athletic". It's very sad to see that people discriminate so much! I'm glad you have such a big passion for the equality of all people. Your compassion for every individual will make you a wonderful lawyer in the future!
